adidas clothing

Babies and kids grow more in the first year than any other time in their lives, so it's not surprising that new parents find themselves constantly shopping for new outfits. It can also be tricky with to know which size to buy especially if your little one isn't an 'average' size. This chart can help you to buy the correct baby and kids clothing based on their height and weight.

0-3 Months62cm42.9cm42.9cm
3-6 Months68cm45.5cm45cm
6-9 Months74cm47cm46.5cm
9-12 Months80cm49.5cm48.8cm
12-18 Months86cm50.8cm49.8cm
1-2 Years92cm52.1cm50.8cm
2-3 Years98cm54.6cm52.1cm
3-4 Years104cm55.9cm54.6cm
4-5 Years110cm58.4cm54.6cm
5-6 Years116cm59.7cm55.9cm
6-7 Years122cm61cm57.2cm
7-8 Years128cm63.5cm58.4cm